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Easter Bunny Painting

My boys love holidays just as much as I do! I have been adding book reading to our craft time. I look through our book case for a chance to reread our favorite stories or do a library haul that lasts us a couple weeks. I try to correlate the books, crafts and learning. Sometimes I feel I spend more time looking up crafts and setting up than it takes my boys to do the craft. Reading books before and after makes craft time longer and meaningful. While engaging and making it intriguing and thought provoking for my boys. They start asking a bunch of questions and their imaginations take off!

I found these little wooden bunnies at Target and used our pastel paint for them to decorate their own Easter decor!

I just found this brand Spritz at Target last February for Valentines Day. They have seasonal wood decor and usually come in a set with paint and brushes! It makes crafts easy and us moms can quickly set it up for an activity last minute! I want to use them as a crafty moms night activity!

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